Quizzes and Tests
Hello All,
To keep everyone updated, I want to inform you about weekly multiple-choice quizzes. Students will be having weekly vocabulary quizzes in either ELA/Language or Math. Math vocabulary words can be found in the front of their math journals and ELA words are found in their notes ( all notes should be filed in their binders under ELA and Language Arts.) I will choose 5 words each week. Words can be newer words or older words (from previous weeks). Most of the time quizzes and tests are completed on iPads. Students will be informed of their scores but a print-out will not be made.
Words they may encounter are:
Main idea - standard form
Problem and solution - rounding
Introduction - estimate
Everynight students should be reading over math and ELA notes as a standard practice.
This week, students will be assessed on ELA/writing words and next week will be math.
Email me if you have any questions: kimberly.melendez@sbcusd.k12.ca.us