
Behavior Expectations

At Anton we follow 3 basic rules:

1. Be safe
2. Be responsible
3. Be respectful

We are a PBiS School! PBIS is an approach that our school uses to improve school safety and promote positive behavior. It's also a tool we use to respond to a child who misbehaves.

The Principles of PBiS are:
  • Every child can learn proper behavior.
  • Stepping in early can prevent more serious behavior.
  • How schools teach behavior should be bases on research and science.
  • Following a child's behavioral progress is important.
  • Schools must gather and use data to make decisions about behavioral problems.

Classroom Behavior and Discipline 

We will follow the same 3 basic rules:
1. Be safe
2. Be respectful
3. Be responsible

In the classroom, students can earn classroom money for positive behaviors. At the end of each month students will have opportunities to purchase items from the classroom store. Students can also sell items to each other. If a student wishes to bring something in to sell, usually homemade items, they can set the price and barter with their peers. 

Here are some ideas you may want to sell
  • a pet rock
  • a homemade STEM project such as soda can robot, or a paper cup wine vane
  • a prepackaged cookie
At times, misbehaviors will occur. Students will receive visual and verbal warnings at least twice. After 2 warnings have been given, students are expected to correct the behavior. If a behavior persists students will lose classroom and/or school privileges. I will also send home notes and/or call home if behavior strategies and warnings do not work.